Welcome to the news section. Here, you shall find what has happened in the past few days, weeks, months, and years! This is a large section of information. We hope you enjoy!
Thank you!
[Thu, 12 Oct 2006] Backbone Strengthened
- Backbone strengthened with new securities precautions.
[Tue, 12 Sep 2006] New Site Map
- New site map and directories. More efficient for search engines!
[Tue, 22 Aug 2006] Diagramme
- Completion of Diagramme.
[Tue, 15 Aug 2006] Backbone Internals
- A tweak to the backbone internals.
[Sun, 16 Jul 2006] Christian's Birth
- Announcing Christian Tyler's birth! Weight: 6lb 6 oz. Height: 18.5"
[Sun, 25 Jun 2006] A Great Idea!
- This is a great idea for people who live in the City... EVEN Rurals.
[Mon, 12 Jun 2006] Q2hhbmdl
- V2hlbiBoYXMgdGhpcyBiZWNvbWUgYW4gaXNzdWU/ QmFzZTY0IGlzIG5vdCBjcmFja2FibGU/ SSBzdXJlbHkgZG9udCBzZWUgdGhlIHBvaW50IG9mIHRyeWluZyB0by4 V2h5IHdhc3RlIHlvdXIgdGltZT8
[Wed, 07 Jun 2006] CSS And PHP Combined?
- Cascading Style Sheets And PHP enabled combined and mixed with AJAX to allow dynamic style changes. One word, completely possible and completed. Not yet implemented in any domain currently. Future post shall be noted of designated domains participating.
[Fri, 26 May 2006] XML listings.
- XML listings style updated to better suit the common needs.
[Fri, 19 May 2006] Wiedergeburt einer Nation
- Wiedergeburt, andere Zwanzig sieben Jahre.
[Wed, 10 May 2006] Site Revamp
- The index's widths were expanded to accommodate larger resolutions.
[Fri, 05 May 2006] Cinco De Mayo
- Cinco De Mayo! Safe celebrating!
[Mon, 01 May 2006] San Shou 1.1b released
- Purposal for San Shou 1.1b released. Now being publicized.
[Tue, 25 Apr 2006] Choose Your Stile 0.9.1
- Stile 0.9.1 is available on C-WD.NET! Select your "STYLE" of C-WD.NET using CSS to its highest possibilities!
[Thu, 20 Apr 2006] BackInfo 0.11
- BackInfo 0.11 is available on C-WD.NET!
[Mon, 17 Apr 2006] Reestablish DB
- Reestablish DB, Backups To Be Made.
[Mon, 10 Apr 2006] DATE.C-WD.NET
- Implement of DATE.C-WD.NET for centeralized date usage.
[Mon, 03 Apr 2006] HVC SRV Implemented
- Implement of HVC SRV for security of HVC file.
[Wed, 22 Mar 2006] eBay Listing Preview
- Implement of eBay Listing Preview images.
[Fri, 10 Mar 2006] IMG SRV Implemented
- Implement of IMG SRV for security of images.
[Wed, 08 Mar 2006] BackInfo 0.109
- BackInfo 0.109 is available on Index!
[Thu, 02 Mar 2006] Happy Birthday Michelle!
- Happy 23rd birthday! Remember 25? can achieve happiness!
[Mon, 23 Jan 2006] completes xhtml/dhtml layering.
- Finalization works towards all layers sites and subs have been finished.
[Fri, 20 Jan 2006] allsubs for now GPN
- All the subs for have been established for better structure flow.
[Tue, 17 Jan 2006] |Store| revised for GPN
- The e-commerce part of this site,, is completed under ample time under the project release time.
[Thu, 22 Dec 2005] MNT2 v2.04 is released for GPN
- MNT2 or Mommies Need Tyme 2 site is released. Members can login and share information.
[Fri, 18 Nov 2005] GPN est.
- Mr Merits there takes the mulla.
[Fri, 14 Oct 2005] Linstate est.
- Linstate has been agreed upon. Now instated for AOL Users.
[Fri, 19 Aug 2005] III SIP.1021
- III SIP.1021 is finalized
[Tue, 21 Jun 2005] Code Red Attacks
- The Amazing Code Red attacks are redundant and take up log space on firewall.
[Fri, 04 Feb 2005] Image Protection?
- New Developments on Image Protection. (Inc Source Denied)
[Fri, 19 Nov 2004] Globals Baby
- Ads or no ads, thats the questions. Poll finds ads are bad.
[Fri, 21 May 2004] III SIP.1018
- III SIP.1018 goes through finalization. Improve of III SIP.1017 due to security leak.
[Fri, 06 Feb 2004] III SIP.1017
- III SIP.1017 finalized for DB's
[Fri, 03 Oct 2003] Resid.005 est.
- Resid.005 est.
[Fri, 04 Jul 2003] Resid.002 est.
- Resid.002 est.
[Sun, 02 Mar 2003] Happy Birthday, Michelle!
- Happy 23rd Birthday, Michelle! Keep on rocking!
[Wed, 19 Feb 2003] "The Amazing Code Red Attacks"
- The Amazing Code Red attacks are annoying and take up log space on firewall. (:
[Fri, 17 Jan 2003] New E-Com Setups
- New valid/secure run on e-com setups.
[Fri, 20 Dec 2002] Load-Stacking
- Finished Load-Stacking on server.
[Fri, 06 Dec 2002] Artz-Proje
- Error Handling on Artz-Proje
[Thu, 07 Nov 2002] Database Update
- File-Databasing for display is being resolved.
[Wed, 23 Oct 2002] AR [SERV]
- Ran a startup for animal resort [serv].
[Mon, 14 Oct 2002] CPP
- Compiled cpp for stat-line.
[Sat, 05 Oct 2002]
- Started
[Sun, 29 Sep 2002] Indexing
- Indexing scripts.
[Mon, 23 Sep 2002] Zervent 1.0
- Zervent 1.0 started fresh.
[Wed, 11 Sep 2002] E-Com Reset.
- E-Com reset. Reset... LOL
[Thu, 05 Sep 2002] XHTML Standards.
- Upgrading to XHTML standards.
[Wed, 28 Aug 2002] Upgrades
- Upgraded images, DHTML, and Perl, PHP, Python backbones on new 127 server.
[Thu, 08 Aug 2002] E-Com Lays
- We are expanding into E-Com Lays. Listed on the Sub Directory /kandys_website/
[Sat, 13 Jul 2002] The New CWD With III Works Project
- The New CWD With III Works Project (We are our own project) is now completed. Flash Anim. soon to be put together!
[Sat, 06 Jul 2002] Server Checked
- Servers are checked for errors.
[Fri, 28 Jun 2002] 2 Years
- It has been two years of business. We went from web design/programming to web design/programming/computer repair/e-commerce. Thank You for getting us there!
[Sat, 22 Jun 2002] Kan1.0.2 beta
- Kan1.0.2 is put out as a beta. III Works might be intergrated.
[Fri, 17 May 2002] Remod
- Site remodel is on track
[Fri, 12 Apr 2002] Avat
- Some new versions of AVAT have been put to beta but none shall become the standard til November
[Wed, 27 Feb 2002] Avat 2.3 Finalized
- Avat 2.3 Finalized Version has been checked and is up. Check it out.
[Sat, 02 Feb 2002] Avat 2.0
- Avat 2.0 is up. Check it out.
[Thu, 03 Jan 2002] Led Zeppelin - Going To California.
- Going to California for some desert loving! Enjoy!
[Thu, 13 Dec 2001] Server Relocate
- Server relocated to new system. Faster, Smarter, and Alot More Sexy!
[Mon, 03 Dec 2001] JiJi 2.3
- JiJi 2.3 is on the table.
[Tue, 20 Nov 2001] AVAT 1.1
- AVAT 1.1 With III Works is on the look out for errors.
[Thu, 18 Oct 2001] Company Rename
- Total redesign of company name and site. No longer PROTO[C-WD.NET]. But now we are: C-WD.NET, exclusively. All contracts and terms still abide. We shall still give you the same quality service as before. Just a different name!
[Thu, 11 Oct 2001] Setup of AVAT
- Setting up server base and directories for AVAT.
[Tue, 09 Oct 2001] Back
- Back from the break. And a *new* project, AVAT.
[Fri, 01 Jun 2001] Time for a Vacation (LOL)
- As a prominent note, the year, so far, has still been bizarre. The crew shall take a break, starting on June 4, 2001 and ending sometime in October of 2001.
[Mon, 21 May 2001] JiJi Project Finalized
- JiJi Project completed. Search with ease.
[Thu, 10 May 2001] JiJi Project
- JiJi Project, restarted in with a new focus! Now with III power!
[Thu, 01 Mar 2001] JiJi Start
- JiJi Project starts with excitement, wish us luck!
[Wed, 21 Feb 2001] Recharge Status
- Complete site and rgst are in recharge status.
[Sat, 17 Feb 2001] Server Check
- Server Check,... or is it reality check??
[Sun, 11 Feb 2001] Backbone Apply
- Applications are applied to the existing files.
[Sat, 03 Feb 2001] NorthHook Project 1.2
- NorthHook Project 1.2 W/ III Works beta run is good! Back ups made!
[Tue, 30 Jan 2001] New Design
- Setting up a new design for Design!
[Fri, 19 Jan 2001] NorthHook Project
- NorthHook Project fundamentals are registered.
[Fri, 05 Jan 2001] New CSS
- Site renovation is near complete for new CSS stats
[Mon, 01 Jan 2001] 2001 New Years
- A New Year awaits us. A bizarre year for all of us. "New" and "bizarre" were the words when I assembled the team to ponder a new thought for the site. Out of all the glamour in this world of files and schizophrenic beeping sounds, I search for a new manifestation? Contemplating a fresh design is not a tractable task. Out of over 200 eccentric and varied pages that compose this unbelievably active site, a new thought arose from the stagnant haze. And We Rised Above The HAZE!
[Sun, 31 Dec 2000] New Set of Rules
- New set of rules are on for the system! Shall be posted!
[Sun, 31 Dec 2000] Y2K Compliant
- All Scripts are 2001 Ad.Vd compliant!!
[Sat, 30 Dec 2000] Authoriative Services!
- Authoriative services are running on dual!
[Mon, 25 Dec 2000] Christmas it is!
- Christmas it is! "Email Someone" script is on its way.
[Wed, 20 Dec 2000] Gans
- Gans,... bloody Gans! Gans is up at: Check that incredible goose!
[Sat, 02 Dec 2000] Rahmen Finished
- Crazy,... proclaims I! Rahmen is finished... and III is back on tract!
[Sun, 22 Oct 2000] Design Project
- The Design Project is completed!
[Sat, 14 Oct 2000] Spiret Project
- Spiret Project completed on time.
[Mon, 02 Oct 2000] Revitalization
- Revitalization of the Website is completed!
[Sat, 23 Sep 2000] Purchase of C-WD.NET
- Brought to the family. Waiting for DNS to transfer.
[Sun, 10 Sep 2000] Got Time?
- Finding the time to build more sites... ha!
[Wed, 26 Jul 2000] Re[Dir]
- Redesign of directories is finalized!
[Fri, 21 Jul 2000] III
- Laying down the bricks for the III Works/Web Searcher/Browser has begun... For Easy and Fast Searching/Browsing!
[Wed, 19 Jul 2000] Grübbel Project
- The Grübbel Project restarted.
[Thu, 13 Jul 2000] Sys Dir
- Fixing system directories... finalized. Thank God!
[Mon, 03 Jul 2000] Neichi Project
- Finished Neichi project.
[Fri, 30 Jun 2000] Public Eyes
- PROTO[C-WD.NET] is opened to the public's eyes. Yikes!
[Wed, 28 Jun 2000] Sitemap and Dir
- Setting the basics for the sitemap and directories.
[Sun, 25 Jun 2000] Some Friends, In You And Me.
- PROTO[C-WD.NET] has found a home and friends.
[Sun, 21 May 2000] PROTO[C-WD.NET]
- Seth Keiper and Associates decide to open a web developement company. PROTO[C-WD.NET]
[Fri, 03 May 1996] The Start of It All!
- Seth messes with html and javascript to lead him to the knowledge of them.